Thursday, 27 December 2012

Merry Christmas!


I just wanted to wish all my friends and readers a very merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday whatever you got up to! Have a great new year too!

Lots of love,

Stevo xoxo

Friday, 21 December 2012

Nothing can wipe the smile from my chubby face!

So yesterday, I finally got the call I had been waiting at least 3 weeks for. I've been volunteering at a local church - St Andrews in Paull and the woman who is in charge emailed me about an intern ship she had been forwarded. The position was to improve communications within a church in North Hull - social media and journalism, something I want to get into. And this is the perfect position and it's also stepping stones. Starting at the very bottom and hopefully working my way up!

The closing date wasn't for a little while and there were emails back and forth so when I got an interview, I was relived otherwise it might have been a wasted effort. Anyhow, I had my interview during work experience (that's a whole other blog post in itself). I thought I would be nervous because there were three interviewees, but it didn't phase me which was strange - cool as a bloody cucumber! The interview went really well, I didn't want to be cocky at the time but I felt I aced it. There were so many smiles and nods and each other.

I had to go back to work experience after my interview, it didn't matter though because it went so positively. Literally two hours after my interview (I was the first interview, and they had at least two more) they called to say that they wanted to offer me the intern ship and it was a unanimous vote to me.... SMIRK.

My role as the intern is to make more people aware of the charity SEARCH, using social media, creating a blog called 'a day in the life of a church intern' - not set up yet. Creating press releases, interviewing at events and encouraging volunteering in the community. It may not be for everyone, but the role will be so varied that it won't get tedious, no day will be the same.

I couldn't share the news with everyone because the intern ship is funding by The Rank Foundation and they were yet to make their decision on whether they wanted to give the money to Search - don't bother googling them, they don't have a website, yet.

I met with the two women from The Rank Foundation - it went really well, they were 'raving' about me after the interview, (I don't think my ego is going to fit through the door soon). Anyhow, they phoned to say the board were still making their decision but should they say no, Helen had already been enquiring about somewhere else I could go but they wanted to fund me, because they think I am so talented. Smirk.

ANYHOW, after a week or so of waiting, I finally got the call yesterday to say that they had approved the funding, but The Rank Foundation had asked that my role be expanded to other places that will need me for journalistic issues because I had impressed them so much.

Now, in my interview I said that I felt that this position was perfect for me because it's exactly what I had been looking for and it fell into my lap because of something else. Without using my initiative to volunteer I would never have been sent the information on that intern ship.


I won't stop blogging, I am still very passionate about youth unemployment because it's such a big issue in Hull and all over the country at the moment, it needs to be addressed often by people who are living with it.

I'll be posting some more over Christmas :]

Leave comments, or you can tweet me at @DebStevo90

Stevo xxxx

Monday, 26 November 2012

Merci beaucoup à mes disciples belles!

I just want to express my gratitude to people who have taken the time to support me and the work I am doing. This week I was featured on a local blog which was great publicity for me, it was lovely of Ray from the blog to feature me and my little blog. Give it a read - I didn't expect a full article I though there may just a link and a bit of information but there is so much more, it's fabulous. Visit the blog here; If you're local as in Hedon/Holderness way, then the website is quite interesting in that you'll find out about local events and if you want something advertising, if you ask Ray, I am sure he'll give the event a mention.

Furthermore, to everyone who retweets my links, who tells me they like what I am writing and who take the time to find me on Twitter to tell me that they really like what I do. THANK YOU. I want to upload screen caps of the nice comments, but I don't think Twitter will allow you to go back more than 10 days or so.

Oh well, you know who you are - thank you! :)

This month has been so exciting, but I just can't tell you yet! When I can, I will tell you everything, but for now, eeeeee.

So, finally. Again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And if you don't like it, tell me if you really want to, @DebStevo90 or comment on here.


Sunday, 18 November 2012

"2000 job vacancies going in Hull, but no takers, say the job centre" - Utter bollocks!

“Jobseekers and employers are being urged to be less choosy as new figures show more than 2000 vacancies are going unfilled in Hull”

This article in the Hull Daily Mail has annoyed me beyond belief, ‘don’t be fussy’ they say. Have they actually looked what is being offered on the job centre website? It’s full of commission based work, without a basic salary!!

So I ask you, would you take a job and come off benefits to take a job with no basic wage and have your entire earnings based on how many people you manage to sign up to a charity based scheme? If you’ve had mortgage protection, you’re no longer entitled to it because you’ve got a job. I know what I would rather do, and I know that it will annoy people but I would rather stay on benefits that bit longer to secure a job where I was definitely going to be paid at the end of the month.

I don’t know if you’ve been on the job centre website recently but you’ll be amazed with what you find if you do take a visit. It’s not filled with 2000 jobs that people are fussy over – it’s filled with commission based shit that needs filtering out! A good example of this is Tempest Elite Marketing who are now trading under the name ‘S.P.Y’ – watch out for them, they’ve got a new name because they’ve got a horrific reputation. These companies who only offer work based ENTIRELY on your ‘target earnings’ need filtering out and shutting down! They’re wrong and exploiting people, mainly young people who are desperate for something, anything.

I was followed by a new Twitter profile for Hull jobs the other week and I went through the jobs which were posted and many of them were with Tempest Elite Marketing or similar companies, why are they still being advertised as a reputable company. They need stamping out! I imagine if the job centre spent time filtering out the jobs which were exploiting people, they would have a cleaner system with which you could do more precise and accurate searches.

If people are fussy over what they want to do then fair game - that's their choice, they'll stay on benefits for a long time. But, I don't think it is fair to assume that all the jobs being advertised are morally right, because they're not. Furthermore, you can't just blame job seekers, because lets face it, no where is taking on anyone as a trainee. They want someone who has the specific experience for that position - so what if it turns out that NO ONE has that specific experience and skills. The position will just sit there. No offer of any training to get the position filled quickly. What can you do?!

Also, I have to ask, what is wrong with having some aspirations, I feel like I'm not allowed any because it's more important that I'm working. Of course I want to be working but I don't see why I can't try and steer what I am doing to what I really want to be doing. Someone should have some aspirations - the situation which we currently face is like a wagging finger of Nicole Scherzinger saying "no baby, no", don't bother dreaming of leaving the city and making it somewhere else. 

So, I am irritated by this now. I'm not always like this, promise! 

Leave a comment if you want! orrr, you can find me on the Twitters! @DebStevo90 :)


Thursday, 1 November 2012

One in a million.: The National Careers Service.

One in a million.: The National Careers Service.: So, on Monday I had a busy day of appointments. It's amazing how busy an unemployed person can be sometimes. Mental. However, Monday morning...

The National Careers Service.

So, on Monday I had a busy day of appointments. It's amazing how busy an unemployed person can be sometimes. Mental. However, Monday morning I had an appointment at the Central Library in Hull with the National Careers Service. As always I went in with an open mind despite Tomas telling me it was pointless. I literally wasn't prepared for the ROFLcopter that happened.

The person I was suppose to see was unwell, (OH!) but it had been arranged for me to speak with the manager instead, who informed me he never uses the system so I spent half my time waiting for him to find things whilst he clicked about. Fun! not. Anyways, this guy I saw was nice enough - he gave me a few ideas about how to gain some more experience through my volunteering. He gave me a speech about how I have obviously lost my 'can do' attitude. Of course I have, I'm bored shit less and I don't even have rejection letters to tear up and cry over, I don't seem to get ANYTHING. So sorry if I don't have that plucky sparkle shit, I lost that about a month ago.

Anyways, so we're sat looking on the website looking at volunteering positions which could benefit me in the work I want to go in to. There isn't a damn thing for what I actually want to go in to. At the minute, I just want something to get me working and bringing some money in. So, just admin stuff etc. I had down that I was looking at teaching assistant as a possible job to go in to. I have now realized that I don't really want to. So, we're on the website looking at the different opportunities, he comes across with one for Barnados.

"It's a youth adviser - helping young people into work"

WHAT. You know when you're trying NOT to laugh because of how ridiculous someone sounds. Everyone who I've mentioned this too, has looked confused for about 12 seconds and then bursts into fits of laughter. I can just see it now, me trying to advise the young on getting into work when I can't find a job myself.

YEAH, THAT SOUNDS RIGHT FUN! I can't even believe how ridiculous this is. I wouldn't mind giving up some of my time when I am working, but right now, I am in exactly the same position as those people. It's not like I would be helping them.

"you literally could not make this shit up!"

I hope you LOL as much as I did.
Enjoy, as always, leave comments, they're always appreciated.

or Tweet me on the Twitters, @DebStevo90 :)

One in a million.: Stretching the staff to unmanageable limits.

One in a million.: Stretching the staff to unmanageable limits.: So guess what? I am now required to visit my favourite place every week now. I love the job centre, I really do. Well no, I don't. Ha. I act...

Stretching the staff to unmanageable limits.

So guess what? I am now required to visit my favourite place every week now. I love the job centre, I really do. Well no, I don't. Ha. I actually do not begrudge going to the job centre, what I really begrudge is the fact that because youth unemployment is SO HIGH, the staff are working to limits which can't be met because there is an endless stream of young people coming into the centre. They can't connect with them, actually find out what's been happening, find out what they can or can't do.

There isn't enough time in the day for them to actually do their job which is to assist you in finding work. I've been in recently and been told "it's a quick sign on because we're busy" and fair enough, they're busy. I don't give a shit, I've got questions, and I want answers etc. I've just paid £3 for parking and been sat waiting for 25 minutes after my appointment, I'm making this a good one. Now don't get me wrong - there are some genuinely good people who work in the job centre, but the amount of paper work/data entry they have to complete on a single case isn't relative to the amount of time they have to do it. This is why they aren't actually able to do their jobs properly. It's frustrating.

Furthermore, I know that youth unemployment is high, but I actually feel that the government are forgetting about every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. What about the guy who worked for a company for 24years, he was made redundant and it's the only place he ever worked. What are you going to do about him? And what about Judy who worked as an administrator for 39 years for the same company since she was 16, she's well into her 50's and hasn't got a fucking clue what to do. What are you going to do about her? Probably nothing, because they are forgetting the older generation (forgive the 'older), but they are.

What are these people meant to do. I understand that I require the help as well, but I feel like the older generation are being given up on because they've been in work a long time. I don't know whether it is the attitude that because they worked for so long surely they are able to get into something else, or because they can't be bothered with them because they'd have to spend time educating on how the job hunt has changed. I know that my attitude sounds ageist, assuming that all older people can't use the internet etc, but when you get older your reactions are slower and you can't take on information as quickly. That is my point, it will cost time and (more) money helping others understand the idea of searching for a job online. Whereas it's quite likely that young people know the internet fairly well.

Just to slightly digress from the subject, the job centre relies too heavily on targets. This was made apparent to me when someone was telling me how their parent was made to take a English and Maths skills test, which they passed with about 2 or 3 answers wrong, they did well because they're clearly competent. ANYWAYS, apparently, they aren't competent and were told they would have to attend a workshop for 5 hours every week to improve their skills. So, you tell me, are you happy that your taxes are going to pay for this? Providing a class for people who can clearly write a clear sentence and add up. Are you happy? I wouldn't be if I were forced to give up a percentage of my wage packet to pay for something which only makes the job centre APPEAR good.

I just do not understand the job centre. I sometimes think I could do a bloody better job of running the way the job centre spends time/money. I feel like more emphasis is placed on youth unemployment because it's another way to bad mouth the young - when most people I know who are unemployed just want to be in work, paying their way in life.

Urgh. Role on the day I get a job and never have to step foot in that shit hole again.

Got something to say? Do it. Leave a comment, they're ALWAYS appreciated.
or you can get on the Twitters, @DebStevo90


Sunday, 14 October 2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 11/10/12

One in a million.: Job Centre 11/10/12: Oh so, this week I rocked up to the job centre a whole TWO HOURS early - luckily I noticed just before I went in to save the embarrassment o...

Job Centre 11/10/12

Oh so, this week I rocked up to the job centre a whole TWO HOURS early - luckily I noticed just before I went in to save the embarrassment of it looking like I just wanted to be there so bad, I rocked up two hours early. Oh the shame. And, I'd just spent like £3 on parking - one was NOT amused.

You're going to see even more posts about the job centre now as I've been informed that the system is changing and I'll be in weekly. A system that lets everyone down when it's every two weeks, imagine the CHAOS with every week. My adviser doesn't seem amused that the system has changed and I'll be in every other week for an interview, I think she knows I am not an idiot - but she can't exactly say that when other people are around.

I applied for some really decent work experience the other week - but the job centre had to sort it all out because it was through them. I'm not sure why they bother to promote this "18 - 24 youth contract" because it's bullshit - I sent my CV in, like I was told you, as soon as I got home - I had updated it since I last sent it in. And I kept ringing up to enquire about what was happening with both my adviser and the work experience guy. And still nothing. When my adviser looked on my file - she said "was you late for the interview or something?" "WHAT INTERVIEW?". So it turns out, that the woman who is supposed to sift through the CVs and forward them to the correct places, completely bypassed mine and then didn't send it till a good week after, by this time, they had closed the applications and mine was not considered.


So that wasn't a great start to my interview with her. There aren't really many work experience placements out there, so I am again going to have to self market myself and HOPE that someone says yes. Apart from the work experience situation, my visit to the job centre wasn't too horrible this week - can't say I still love it.

Anyhow, comments as always are very welcome.
Tweet me if you'd like, @DebStevo90

Stevo! :)x

Saturday, 13 October 2012

One in a million.: WHY do I even have a degree?

One in a million.: WHY do I even have a degree?: Is the question I now ask myself. For several weeks now it has been playing on my mind, I've discussed it with friends and had it mentione...

WHY do I even have a degree?

Is the question I now ask myself.

For several weeks now it has been playing on my mind, I've discussed it with friends and had it mentioned to me by people who haven't had to look for a job for 30+ years (what the hell do they know about today?) However, I now begin to ask myself why did I go to university? Why did I spend EIGHTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS gaining a degree which I am now being told, I should take off my curriculum vitae because it makes me look over qualified.

I was told today and many times before today "well, if an employer sees you've got a degree they're going to think you'll be out of here self stacking or whatever at the first available moment"... well obviously, who wakes up and realizes one day their dream is to stack shelves? I know it isn't mine. I don't have anything against those who do that for a living, I just know I want something better for myself. Also, I am not naive in thinking I am going to walk into a job straight away either - I know I am going to have to work hard and then work my way up.

Anyways, I've started applying again for all kinds of jobs in London - that's where my market is, where the money is. It's sad, but true. This week hasn't been good - I've been frustrated because nobody wants to give you a chance - that's all I want, to prove I can do it! I know people who are in jobs which actually uses their degree, which is quite handy really, because it proves that it can be done - you just have to work harder at looking for the right position. My friend just got her first out of university job - dead proud - and she'll be using her Mathematics degree, it can be done, and it's a pretty decent job too!

Urgh, I'm annoyed this week, I am either really mad, or crying. My poor mother does not know what the shit to do with me.

Remember, leave comments if you'd like - they're appreciated, even when they're negative. Or you could get on the Twitters, @DebStevo90
Have a lovely weekend - :)

Stevo :)x

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 03/10/2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 03/10/2012: You know as usual, the job centre was a barrel of laughs. I was surprised actually, I wasn't kept waiting as long as I usually am. Maybe the...

Job Centre 03/10/2012

You know as usual, the job centre was a barrel of laughs. I was surprised actually, I wasn't kept waiting as long as I usually am. Maybe they've found my blog bitching about the time they take to see me and thought they had better do something about it. Although, that's probably not likely.

I saw a woman who was just 'helping out' getting people signed on because they were busy - and I could tell that she wanted to get me signed on and out the door as quick as possible. I don't care. I had questions and I wanted answers, so I stayed a good half an hour knowing that she wanted me gone. Hahahaha. We talked about the usual bull, "how's your job hunt going" etc, it's going okay, I just wish that I could get a damn interview for somewhere then the employer would love me and want me to start straight away... I wish. Hahaha. Anyhow, she did comment on how detailed I fill out my form week in, week out. Which was nice, because I do spend the time writing absolutely everything in, I don't want to be accused of being a slacker.

So I did all my question and answer session with Mary, or whatever her name was, she seemed annoyed by me because I had to change appointments round for being at a funeral on my next appointment. I felt like turning round and saying "people die mate, I can't help that the funeral was organised for this day, shall I ring them back up and say 'sorry, would it be possible to change the funeral to another day because job centre are being dicks about me not going to my appointment' err no" So yeah, now I am going on another day, suckas!

After terrorising this woman for a good half hour, I decided that someone else needed some Deborah time! So, off I went to see Moray - the work experience guy, I really like him actually, he seems like a really nice guy who just wants to help, so I can't get arsey with him. Anyways, I asked him to go to the job fair - I wanted a specific time to go because Eve was going to, it's no fun rocking up to these things alone is it? I don't think that amused him - oh well, at least I want to go and he isn't having to ask me to go! We looked at a few work experience positions but any that I was interested in had already been taken by someone else, boo!

There was only one other one that I was sort of interested in - it was a retail one, I figured a little bit of experience wouldn't hurt. However, when we looked at the requirements for the job, I actually felt angry. The position was a 'retail opperative' for a spice shop - you know like the 'chilli jam man' and one of the requirements was you MUST like spicy food, I told Moray it was ridiculous requirement so don't even put me forward for it. I was told that when you're trying to sell a product, surely you should like it, otherwise what is the point? But seriously, how many retail assistants couldn't give a hoot about the shit they're shovelling? Moray was adamant that you should like the product you're selling, but I think differently, if you're a good liar (me) you can sell anything.

So all in all another disappointing visit to the job centre, it's not the end of the world because I am now writing for three separate blogs/magazines without the help of the job centre, AND I've been invited to a second round application for the journalism scheme I applied for (yay).

Anyways, I'll have some new posts up by the weekend
Remember, I love comments, so tell me what you think.
or Tweet me @DebStevo90


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

One in a million.: UPDATE. What I've been doing and that!

One in a million.: UPDATE. What I've been doing and that!: Because I know you're all well interested in what I've been up to. I'm going to fill you all in! Now, as I haven't posted properly in like 4...

UPDATE. What I've been doing and that!

Because I know you're all well interested in what I've been up to. I'm going to fill you all in! Now, as I haven't posted properly in like 4 weeks, I could lie and say I've been WELL busy, but I haven't... awkward.

So, what have I actually been doing? Errrr, well I had that interested visit to the job centre - that was a barrel of laughs. Can't wait to chin job centre off when I get a job, i will feel so smug when I walk in. Considering how things are going right now, it probably won't happen for a while - I can dream.

I still haven't heard anything about the job to be a Christmas Elf much to the disappointment of a lot of people, surprisingly. I think people thought I had the job when I mentioned it on Facebook, soz mate. I don't have it, maybe I might, I wholeheartedly hope I have something before that job comes knocking. More people that I would have liked have said they'd make the trip to Hull just to see me dressed as an Elf - (Y).

So, I haven't actually managed to acquire any actual work, but I have started working with a local church as a cafe volunteer - it's strange because of the ignorance that people believe that working there automatically will change me to being religious. Not the case, at all. It's a beautiful building that hosts a cafe to raise funds to keep the church maintained etc. I am actually enjoying it because I aren't doing it every weekend, so I can still do things instead of committing my entire weekend to it, which is nice. After my first 'shift' I was inundated with responses to the other volunteer work I had applied for, obviously, they don't know that I had already started somewhere, but it really annoys me that I can't find a job for shit, but everyone is willing for you to do it for free. I can't get mad though, everyone is just trying to get by so whatever. Also, because I am only doing a couple of hours every other weekend, the job centre can't go ape at me or whatever their deal is - who even knows? I sure as hell don't!

I've started at a creative writing class - it's really good actually. It's run by a local author called Russ Litten - he wrote 'Scream if you want to go faster' - it's on my Amazon wish list, hint hint. There are rules about what we can and can't talk about outside of class, but what I'll say is that it is very clear that I haven't lived at all. Some of the stories are just insane. We're suppose to have a six thousand word story written by the end of it but we end up just talking so much, that we probably won't have one by the time the class ends next week? Haaaa. Oh well, it's no biggie, it's been a great class, a new experience - and I got so much from it. Again, this is a free activity provided by the Hull Library - that the job centre as suspicious of, the whacks.

As usual, I've applied for an insane amount of jobs, many just don't even bother with an email saying I was unsuccessful. Although the other day I did receive my first rejection letter through the post - why did I feel proud? If my fridge wasn't integrated, that would be going up there like a child's drawing. I have to laugh at my situation otherwise I would cry, all the time. Not a good look to be honest. I just refuse to even look on totaljobs now as it is all commission based work - basically Tempest Elite Marketing with a new name - stay the frig away!

I applied for a position as a teaching assistant at a old secondary school earlier in the month, didn't even receive a rejection email or letter, guess I didn't get shortlisted. How annoying. It's something I think I could quite enjoy - as I haven't quite rejected the idea of becoming a teacher yet. I don't think I will, considering I am pursuing something completely different now. I am writing this blog, as well as writing for, but I've also made contact with two other blogs to write for them - I was accepted for both. Yay! But, they are only volunteer positions, but it's experience and excellent exposure for my work, so in the long run, definitely worth the effort.

Having applied for job after job it's getting pretty annoying that I aren't even been offered any interviews either, may have to consider changing my tactics. I will be asking the job centre on Wednesday about applying for a different work experience scheme because the one I was put forward for just haven't been in touch even though I have inquired twice with the job centre about it. Clearly not getting anywhere in that respect, so going to do something like some admin work experience so I can fall back on something like that whilst I get my life together.

This morning, I sent off my application for the BBC Journalism Scheme, I was so nervous before clicking submit, I really hope I get an interview because by the time they hold interviews, I will have a bigger portfolio to show off. Wish me luck!

Anyways, this has been a longer than usual post, sorry about that. Enjoy.
Comments as always are very welcome.
Or, Tweet me! @DebStevo90 :)x

Monday, 1 October 2012

One in a million.: The one and only assumption on what you're going t...

One in a million.: The one and only assumption on what you're going t...: SO, for me this 'issue' doesn't stand too well because it is a career that I had considered for a number of years, and something I may event...

One in a million.: The Stigma Of Being A JSA Claimer.

One in a million.: The Stigma Of Being A JSA Claimer.: Now, I understand that it is infuriating if you're a hard working person and you feel most of your money goes on tax, I am pretty sure that ...

One in a million.: Job Centre 19/09/2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 19/09/2012: This post is rather late! Sorry about that. The job centre was as always, eventful! As usual, I arrived early and had to stay downstairs f...

Job Centre 19/09/2012

This post is rather late! Sorry about that. The job centre was as always, eventful!

As usual, I arrived early and had to stay downstairs for about 10 minutes - saw someone who went to my school, pregnant with apparently her third child. When I think about how awful I think my life is, I consider being 21 with a third baby on the way - nightmare! Printed some interesting jobs off but only found like two appropriate jobs in like 18 pages..... awkward.

So apparently, when you're given your appointment time, you can show up anytime within the next fifteen minutes. This is why I am always sat waiting to see someone for at least 25 minutes after my allotted time because some people don't turn up till like two minutes before their appointment time ends. It actually amazes me how much it is drilled into me that I shouldn't be late to my appointments because it could affect my benefits... I've never been late, so I have kept to my job seekers agreement, but surely it isn't right to leave people sitting there for half an hour because they have stupid rules about show up anytime in these fifteen minutes. I understand that people's circumstances may mean that they may be late, but someone who is taking their situation seriously will show up on time and not mess about. For me, that rule is for the people who just rock up whenever they damn feel like it.

My appointment was 1.45pm, I didn't get called through to see an adviser until 2.13pm...(yeah, I noted the time) I wasn't amused. Some guy went and complained because he'd been waiting fifteen minutes, I just sat there smirking thinking wait till you've been here like half an hour and then get your moan on!

The woman I saw was fine, you know, just fine. Informed her that I was doing some voluntary work and doing a creative writing class - she had a right shit fit at me panicking about the different forms I would have to fill out. These forms are just to clarify if you are receiving any money from what you are doing. Well, I am getting nothing. The creative writing course I found is being put on by Hull Library and free, also the voluntary work I am doing says it in the job title 'voluntary work' - I am working as a cafe helper in a church for three hours every OTHER weekend. I am working completely off my own back - so basically all the paperwork is bullshit! Furthermore, I was told that the person who was hosting the creative writing class would have to write a letter explaining what it is we do, and how long the class lasts etc. I may turn up on Wednesday and say that he refused to write it because it's stupid. Hmm. Maybe not.

So basically, you can't be a good person and do voluntary work without a mass of suspicion and if you take a class that's FREE they want to know everything about it otherwise it could affect your benefits. I really don't know where the job centre get their cheek you know, knobs.

As always, comments are welcome.
Or, Tweet me loves, @DebStevo90 :)

The Stigma Of Being A JSA Claimer.

Now, I understand that it is infuriating if you're a hard working person and you feel most of your money goes on tax, I am pretty sure that when I start earning a wage, I will have a jolly old grumble at it. I think it's my dads favorite hobbie sometimes! Ha. Although when did it become acceptable to just assume that EVERYONE is a lazy claimer. This is the unfortunate stigma of looking for work, people assume you are exactly the same as someone who writes their shopping list on their paperwork and isn't taking the job search seriously enough. I've been so stressed about finding work, I've been in a state some days because it seems like I can't catch a break.

We're in a shitty economy, in Hull there is an average of 88 people chasing every job - it's tough, really tough.

I understand the annoyance at some people who are given the money and don't make any concerted effort to look for work - we can all tut at them can't we? My point is, I am actively seeking work, I am doing what I can to look for work, and yet I am still placed within the stigma of people who claim Job Seekers Allowance but don't really do anything. I understand the system is flawed but I am actually doing something to find work, and I can't wait to be doing something full time because I am going stair shit crazy from not.

I apply for at least 5 jobs per week, I look everyday, I've always got new windows open with opportunities on it. I applied to be a Christmas elf for Christ sake! Most posts I can't apply for because I don't have the experience, that's something I can't help. But, I am not going to apply for it, knowing I will be rejected (again) just so that people will get off my back. If I don't have what they want, I don't have it. Simple.

I don't think people who've never visited the Job Centre understand that actually, it's pretty dire and embarrassing. I waited as long as I could before I put in my claim - I was told "no Debs, put your claim in as soon as you leave university..." and yet I waited, I still had some money left from my student loans, so I thought, in the early stages of my job search, I can just live from that. But as it usually does, it doesn't last forever. So,  when I made my claim, it was only because I just couldn't without it. But like most people, I want to be off job seekers allowance as soon as possible.

This post was sparked by hearing moaning about it on the radio, it's damn ignorant to stereotype every unemployed person as being lazy and not wanting to find work.

So, to everyone who is out of work, good luck, it is hard but you just have to keep looking and taking opportunities where they are given.

Comments? Always welcome.
 Twitter, @DebStevo90

The one and only assumption on what you're going to do with your degree..

SO, for me this 'issue' doesn't stand too well because it is a career that I had considered for a number of years, and something I may eventually do. However, I cannot even begin to stress the ignorance of some people who assume you are only going to do one thing with your degree.. I understand that maybe sometimes, it isn't something that you are particually knowledgeable about but please, not everyone goes to university with the intention of doing this. Having been stood with friends before when they've been asked this question, and seeing the reaction on their faces is priceless, some amused, some offended. I now take it in my stride and just reply with something annoying.

The conversation goes something like so;

person; "So, what did you do at university?"

friend; "English Language and Literature!"

person; "So, you're going to become a teacher?"

friend; "No."

Not everyone goes to university with the intention of becoming a bloody teacher - fair game to the ones that do (I was one of them), but to just assume that is the only thing you can do with your degree, is offensive! Now, before any teachers, or trainee teachers read this and go to text/Facebook me an angry response, I think teaching is a great profession, what annoys me is that some only assume that's what graduates can do, when the places you can take a degree - an English one like mine - is limitless. And this is really a never ending process, my brother is a history graduate and after four years, my dad is still pushing teaching on him.

I still don't know about teaching to be honest - I mean, I've always been interested in becoming a teacher but there are just certain aspects of it which put me off it. Maybe I'll consider applying for it, and maybe I won't. But like every career, there are pros and cons to it. I don't feel old enough to be a teacher - you aren't just teaching the foundations of a subject, you are also there to teach life lessons. Considering I have barely lived, I don't see how I can stand and tell someone else how to live theirs.

Comments? Always welcome!
Tweet me @DebStevo90

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Rejection email from Boots....

SIGH. :[

"What are you going to do with your degree then?"

..... "frame it!"

One in a million.: The Job Centre 05/09/12

One in a million.: The Job Centre 05/09/12: So, this week was my fourth visit to the job centre - as always, I was nervous/eager for advice from someone..anyone! I arrived in plenty of...

The Job Centre 05/09/12

So, this week was my fourth visit to the job centre - as always, I was nervous/eager for advice from someone..anyone! I arrived in plenty of time, as always because you know five minutes late and it can affect your benefits.... they don't care about your personal circumstances... Anyways, so I arrive just after twenty to three - my appointment wasn't until three. The G4S guard (who may I point out have more security in the centre than the job centre have staff) WHY? So anyways, the guard was like, "you're far too early, it's only gone twenty to's really busy upstairs.. go wait on those seats"... so off I stomp to the seats, annoyed that you are 'threatened' if you're late, and told off if you're too early. I can't be one of those people that shows up at exactly the time you're suppose to, I've always been told that promptness is a good quality to have! Also, when did it become a security guards job to assist people... they are there to make sure 'no one plays up' or whatever.

FINALLY, I am told I can go upstairs, so off I pop! Sitting waiting for my adviser... it's 3.05pm.. my appointment was at 3... can I start playing up? They're late! They've gone back on their job seekers agreement!! I don't obviously, but it means I have ammo for if there should be an occasion where I am late.. I'll throw that back at them. Sitting there, waiting for my appointment, I start shuffling papers remembering the questions I wanted to ask my adviser  - hoping she would be nice. Luckily she was, she was pretty young and understood how hard certain situations are.. including the expectation that you will work up to 90 minutes away. I said that I would consider it, if I could afford to, but if it came down to my wages were only paying for the travel - I just couldn't do it. She understood - phew.

We had a good chat about what I was looking for, we both had a giggle at the elf job application and we managed to find some pretty decent work experience. She really had a good read through what I had been doing but still made me think that I could probably not take the diary entries that seriously, hmm. She noted how detailed they were and was convinced I wouldn't be with the job centre long.. so I guess that's a sign. We found a really good work experience scheme - it's at a publishers in Hull, think I'll have to interview for it, so fingers crossed.

Felt like nothing positive has happened within my job search for quite some time, however, this week, although no job offers, had feedback about the volunteer positions and found some work experience (expenses paid) so, things are happening. No longer in no mans land, things are moving. Found some good jobs too - some require certain experience that my adviser found so we were disappointed about that, but applying for a couple of administration positions, not exactly what I want but it's a job, a wage and experience.

How's your job search going? Leave me a comment, tell me about it!
Any tips? Leave a comment!

As usual, you can tweet me too! @DebStevo90 :)

I look forward to hearing from you,
Deborah! :D

Monday, 3 September 2012

One in a million.: Ways to improve your CV without having to travel t...

One in a million.: Ways to improve your CV without having to travel t...: I recently read an article on grads which angered me somewhat; it suggested that one of the ways to improve your CV was to travel the world...

Ways to improve your CV without having to travel the world, spending money you don't have!

I recently read an article on grads which angered me somewhat; it suggested that one of the ways to improve your CV was to travel the world. Now, don’t get me wrong, it is a great way to improve your CV and your life but it’s an expenditure which could be avoided. You will still get a decent job whether you backpacked round Australia or not, unless you worked whilst you backpacked, you’ve just travelled. I’ve travelled too, to London to buy a Heat magazine.

Furthermore, this article also suggested that one ‘study abroad’ – an unachievable situation if you attend a university which doesn’t offer the chance to go to America for a term, or to wander the streets of Paris… It would be nice if there were, but most courses simply don’t.


Actually look at your CV.

Spend time looking at your CV – ask yourself “does this need to be here?” “Could I expand on this?” I found that I hadn’t spent enough time discussing how certain jobs have improved certain skills I have, I just discussed my role. In fact, I removed the bullet points with the different roles I did, and wrote about the skills which I had gained through the role. Furthermore, your CV needs to be visually attractive – and by this I mean, you need to maximise the space you use. From other blogs and CV pages I’ve read, it is said that a CV should be no longer than two pages long, anything longer and you’ve lost your audience. Keep everything concise, appropriate and clean. And by clean, I mean don’t over complicate what you’re actually trying to say.

Example 1; “My duties included taking food orders, washing pots and delivering food to customer’s tables. Furthermore, I gained experience with handling cash and using a till to handle customer’s final bills.” This was the original statement; it is messy and doesn’t explain much about what I’ve gained.

Example 2; “My role as a waitress allowed me to interact with the public, take orders and deliver food to customer’s tables. Furthermore, this role also allowed me to gain experience using a till, and the importance of having excellent customer service skills” This is the new statement, I believe that the statement is more concise, explains the different duties I had and explained the experience gained and learned whilst working as a waitress.


It sounds cliché, it really does but volunteering really does help! Although if you work you don’t have the time to give to volunteer – but maybe whilst you search for work, you can give up an afternoon a week to get involved with a charity. Every little helps after all. You’ll be learning some new skills, networking and helping others in the process. I used the country wide website the website is so useful, and you can search for the area which you’d liked to volunteer in. I just searched for opportunities near me. I would recommend applying for a few positions as there is no guarantee you’ll get the position and some places only require your assistance one morning or afternoon a week, so you have time to commit to other projects. Don’t be put off but positions which you think may not give you experience that you want – you don’t know what you’re going to gain until you’re there. Many times when you’re working for charities they offer you free training, such as first aid – which is such a useful skill. Volunteer you way into work! 

When I think of more ways... this will be updated!
Comments are welcome, as are tweets! @DebStevo90

"this ain't a game of cat and mouse"

Deborah :)x

Thursday, 30 August 2012

One in a million.: Volunteer your way into work!

One in a million.: Volunteer your way into work!: I joined 'do-it' last week, it's the national volunteering website which you are linked to if you search for positions on the job centre web...

Volunteer your way into work!

I joined 'do-it' last week, it's the national volunteering website which you are linked to if you search for positions on the job centre website. I was amazed to find how positions there were, i typed in Hull as my town and up to 10 miles radius I was willing to travel - there was 402 positions which needed filling. I only made it to page 9 and I had already applied for 12 positions.

Some of the positions I applied for were;
-Cafe Helper
-Young Person Supporter
-Shop Volunteer Red Cross
-Digital Champion
-House Guide
-Publicity Officer
-Fundraiser Volunteer
-Street Angel
-Car Boot Sales Volunteer
-Barnados Retail Assistant
-Dove House Retail Assistant.

Although I obviously won't be able to do all of these, I am hoping to try and juggle two maybe because many of them only require you on an afternoon twice a week, or on a Friday and Saturday night. Also, in this time I does need to continue my search for a job! (it's not going great!) So I can't just volunteer for 40 hours a week - I have bills to pay!

However, this is going to sound cliche but volunteering isn't just something good to write on your CV, even though technically it is! Volunteering is a great way to gain experience and skills, it is a way to network - imagine if you make an impression on someone, when a job comes up they may think of you first to offer it to? And lets not forget, volunteering is a great way to give something back to a community project which really needs more people helping to keep it open, imagine how many people you are helping. Although you don't tend to see any tangible rewards, you can't help but feel like you've done good. When I worked with the British Red Cross it was a great experience, I met some fantastic people and really got to grips with how important a charity shop is to a community, as you recognize the same faces each week. (-that sounds really judgmental  it's not meant to be. Soz)

To those who I know who are searching hard for work, volunteering isn't a permanent decision but it something easy to get into which most times requires no experience (hallelujah!!), training given and you walk away with some new skills. Think about it. DO IT!

The rest is up to you.
As usual, leave a comment, they are always welcome!
Orrrr, give us a tweet! @DebStevo90

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading! Good luck!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

One in a million.: Job Centre - update about the 22/08/2012

One in a million.: Job Centre - update about the 22/08/2012: So today I got a phone call from a lovely woman at the job centre. This woman was ringing to apologize for the lack of communication among h...

Job Centre - update about the 22/08/2012

So today I got a phone call from a lovely woman at the job centre. This woman was ringing to apologize for the lack of communication among her staff last week in regard to me. She could not have been more apologetic! I said it was fine, I was just frustrated because I hadn't been informed and then when I said I was unable to work to what they had rearranged, I looked like a fussy bitch!

ANYHOW, so she's ringing me for another reason - to cancel the bloody appointment set up for me last week because there was now no point because they had missed their targets. It's all about targets in these places, what if this group session had been valuable to me finding work huh? Didn't think about that one did ya Dave!

So, instead of me having to go to this session tomorrow, I am now back to seeing my adviser in a weeks time! What an utter mess about eh! I can't complain about this woman on the phone because she couldn't have been nicer and explained that none of what had happened was my fault (TRU DAT) but that her team made a "monumental cock-up" (again, tru dat).

I also told her I don't want to become one of the notorious (bursts into song) job seekers who week after week causes problems because this wasn't my fault and I was hoping to not have any more incidents like this. She told me that what happened wasn't even a mark on my record, she had to ring to make sure that everyone was clear that it was their fault. When I put the phone down I just laughed and laughed thinking, there is no wonder this country is up shit creek when the people they hire to help you find a job don't even have a bloody clue what they're doing.

Anyhow, there will be no post tomorrow like I said there would be, next week though (5th)!

Remember, comments are always welcome.
Or, give me a tweeeet! @DebStevo90

One in a million.: Why it is in fact, always dull in Hull!

One in a million.: Why it is in fact, always dull in Hull!: Now, before everyone thinks I am going to bitch about Hull... that's just not the case. I love my city, I really do, and anything I could do...

Why it is in fact, always dull in Hull!

Now, before everyone thinks I am going to bitch about Hull... that's just not the case. I love my city, I really do, and anything I could do to find a job here, I would. I want to stay in East Yorkshire because it's home, but Hull is the hardest place in the UK to find a job. Although, I already knew this statistic, someone linked it to me on Facebook earlier, he noted I might find it interesting... there is a part of me which thinks he was maybe trying to rub this in... you know who you are :P.

Hull for the second year running is the hardest place in the UK to find a job with roughly 80 people applying per job. However, the easiest place to find a job in the UK is Aberdeen with 1 person applying for each job - the actual statistic is 0.88 - so sometimes, not even one person applying! The difference between the two locations is unbelievable. It could be suggested that Aberdeen don't even know we're in a recession...

The article seems to suggest that there is a north/south divide - to some extent there is a divide but when the best city to find a job in is SCOTLAND, i think the divide is flawed somehow.

Poor Hull, always the top of some leader board, and never ever for the right reasons. I feel bad for a city like Hull because any other major city is a good hour away in the car so commuting is a difficult decision whereas say you lived in Leeds - you get on the motorway you've Huddersfield, Wakefield, Bradford, Sheffield, York and Manchester, 6 cities/large towns in under 50 minutes away. Hull is at the end of the motorway, blocked off by the Humber - when it was a major fishing port, it was thriving but it has continued to struggle decade after decade.

"Worst place in the UK to find a job"
"Worst place to live in the UK!" - How would you know? You visited it ONCE - suck it, dickhead!

Oh dear.
As always, your comments are appreciated. So please, leave one!
If not, you can tweet me @DebStevo90

Deborah! :D

Friday, 24 August 2012

One in a million.: Tempest Elite Marketing...

One in a million.: Tempest Elite Marketing...: Oh noo! My friend had an interview with 'Tempest Elite Marketing' yesterday! I was just on Twitter yesterday and my friend tweeted that she ...

Tempest Elite Marketing...

Oh noo! My friend had an interview with 'Tempest Elite Marketing' yesterday! I was just on Twitter yesterday and my friend tweeted that she was on her way to an interview! Excitedly I replied, "good luck! Where at?xx", her reply just filled me with doom, "marketing company in Hull!Ahh scary" - my reply, "it's not tempest elite marketing is it?" :[

And from there, I explained how I had also interviewed for them and how they sell you this big idea, trying to sell the job to you, not you selling yourself to the job. It's a very odd situation - pretty sure the people I know who have interviewed for them will agree.

So anyways, this morning, my friend links her blog post about it to her Twitter, I wasn't surprised by what she had written, she had noticed things that I had failed to mention in my original blog post about them.

Anyhow, give it a read here...   @HollyBellUK

Remember, comments and feedback are welcome! @DebStevo90 :)

One tip; just don't even apply with them! Unless you're well up for pounding the pavements!!

Deborah xx

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

One in a million.: "How to make your CV sparkle..."

One in a million.: "How to make your CV sparkle...": Read this interesting blog article from someone who is also writing for, he made some valid points on how to make your CV stand ...

"How to make your CV sparkle..."

Read this interesting blog article from someone who is also writing for, he made some valid points on how to make your CV stand out from others, and he was able to recognize everything he was writing was a giant cliche. However, I just have a massive issue with one of his points mainly because not everyone is able to do it and it's just not realistic to most.

Here's a link to it...

Point One...

"Study Abroad" Fair point to anyone that is able to study abroad, but most universities do not offer this opportunity so WHY would you suggest it when it's clearly not accessible to most students.

Point Three...

"Volunteer" A very fair point, everyone can get involved in volunteering and lets face it, helping a local charity litter pick looks alright on your CV.... not everyone can afford to go to Africa and build a school, toff.

Point Two...

"Travel" Now this annoys me more than it probably should, but not everyone has £5000 readily available to just wander off around the world going to Australia for a month then onto New Zealand and maybe a trip to Fiji - most people, just don't have the resources to go off travelling for a year after university and come back with stories to tell of them just sitting on beaches or not showering for a week. (eww)  I have friends who have gone travelling, my friend Jen went to Australia for two years and I have nothing but respect for her because she didn't just mess about for two years, she worked hard and as a result was able to have an amazing time too, for that, she has my respect. But this guy writing this post although understands the idea of travelling is a cliche, it's an unrealistic goal that most students just cannot afford to do.

Props to the people that are able to do it, but unfortunately, it's an unrealistic way to improve your CV unless you're sitting on a pot of gold.

My top three CV tips.

1. Volunteer - yes, I know it's not ideal interrupting our amazing social lives (you what?!) but, you're helping your community and putting something attractive on your CV, and charities are always wanting volunteers, they can't get enough of them!

2. Include important occasions which you've been involved in. If you've helped organize events, charity days, coffee mornings etc, really squeeze every bit from it. It will show your dedication, that you're not entirely money orientated and convey that you've got a decent personality.

3. Use other people's CV's as guidelines, although each CV you send out should be tailored to the job you're sending it off for, it doesn't hurt to look over the CV of someone you know, who has worked in a few companies and knows what it important on a CV to get you noticed. Furthermore, I've found that looking on the jobs websites and sites such as the Guardian have plenty of tips and tricks to improving your CV. You should research what kind of look is the most effective and what will stand out to future employers...

Hope this helps.
As always, feedback is welcome.
Comments, or Tweet meeeeee @DebStevo90 :)x

One in a million.: Job Centre, 22/08/2012

One in a million.: Job Centre, 22/08/2012: Communication is the key. For some reason, the job centre don't agree with this statement and none of the staff at the branch I visit seem t...

Job Centre, 22/08/2012

Communication is the key. For some reason, the job centre don't agree with this statement and none of the staff at the branch I visit seem to have a blummin' clue what they're suppose to be doing.

On my first visit, I was told that I would have to attend a young people's work shop - a presentation which would last about 20 minutes. I didn't resent going, I thought I may get something out of it, and if I didn't, it's only 20 minutes out of my day. However, what I do resent is being lied to and the lack of communication in that place.  I was then told on my second visit that no, no I wouldn't be going to the group session, I would in fact be going to see my adviser. "Oh, okay then" I arrived today, with time to spare because apparently,  being late can affect your benefits, what a load of Betty Crocker - they seem to just have their rules and don't consider people's situations. So I arrived today, in plenty of time, and was told "NO, I wouldn't be seeing my adviser  I would in fact be going to the group session"... I stood there thinking "WTF!" - sort it out.

So waiting to be called through, I was thinking, "it'll be fine, it's only twenty minutes!", was called through and then informed, "no, no this won't be last twenty minutes, this is going to last an hour..." Ere whatttt! So not only have you messed me about but I am going to have to stay three times longer than what the original plan said.

I had my nephew to pick up, it was a family thing, everyone has them don't they - again, no consideration for your personal situations. I thought I would have enough time after my appointment to get to him just outside of town, I wouldn't have if I had of stayed. But they just don't get that, if you're the only person who can do it then why should I be penalized for it. I can't just forget my responsibilities, Jesus, you're judged if you do bring your kids to job centre, and you're judged if you have to leave to get them. Getting childcare for a twenty minute appointment is expensive and unnecessary but then again, they don't give a shit about that do they. Because they hold the power, they can stop your benefits whenever they want.

I got it rearranged but was informed that as I am not a primary carer, it could affect my benefits. The urge to tell them to F-off was high but decided to just thank them for their co-operation and I'd see them next week. I was told that I should basically keep my entire day free when I know I am at job centre, unfortunately, I refuse to allow a visit to the job centre rule my entire Wednesday every other week, when I am there for twenty minutes. That's just ridiculous I told 'Dom' - who actually took time to look through my benefits sheet to see what I had written.

Well, it wouldn't bother me having to go to this appointment but I just wish that the staff at Market Place Hull would sort their shit out, stop messing people about, know who you're suppose to be seeing and don't just change things for the fudging fun of it.

Something that was pointed out to me today was that there seem to be more G4S staff (security) working the doors than actual staff trying to find people bloody jobs. The day I come back to here and write that I felt it went really good, and that my adviser (who I am yet to meet!!!!) has found me a great job, then I'll admit defeat, admit that I was wrong. But right now, the only thing they are, are useless utter morons who obviously don't know whether they're coming or going.

So, I would say that today's trip to the job centre has been less than successful, anyhow, I've got to go back next Wednesday for the group session - hopefully, it will be alright! (I hope)

Any who,

You don't agree?
You do?

Let me know @DebStevo90

or, leave a comment!

Monday, 20 August 2012

One in a million.: The 'willing to relocate' debate.

One in a million.: The 'willing to relocate' debate.: "Are you willing to relocate?" Is a question that I am faced with on many occasions whilst on the job hunt - luckily, my answer is yes. Ho...

The 'willing to relocate' debate.

"Are you willing to relocate?"

Is a question that I am faced with on many occasions whilst on the job hunt - luckily, my answer is yes. However, if the question was, "do you want to relocate?" - my answer would be a stern, no!

I long ago knew I would have to move an hour or even two away to be able to find a 'proper' career. I don't mean to make it sound like you can't have a proper career where I live, but you're a lot less likely to be able to have one. Anyways, I knew that I would have to move, a commitment I wasn't thrilled about but knew it would have to happen. I was told by my dad last year that "no one is waiting to hire Deborah Stevenson when she comes out of university" - err I know that, I'm not a dipshit. I knew that, I never had the attitude that someone would hire me straight away, but I didn't realize how much where I live currently would influence everything about my job search journey.

I spoke to a recruitment agency about four weeks ago. The girl on the phone said she was concerned over time, so could she phone me back the next day. She never did.

I think I put her off when I told her where I live. She queried if I would be willing to locate, I explained how I would but I would really like to stay in Yorkshire - which I don't think it an unreasonable request. And I think the fact I wasn't in London, or the surrounding areas put her off dealing with me and helping me find a job. Oh well. What can you do but pick yourself back up and keep trying.

My friend was in touch today, he told me how he'd had an interview in Sheffield yesterday, it went really well but didn't think he would get it. I asked him what could be stopping him from being offered the position if the interview and tasks went really well. He explained that the woman interviewing him asked where his town was located.. he explained it was in East Yorkshire - she apparently didn't look amused and told him that they wanted to hire someone more in the Sheffield area because they could be called in 'at any moment'. I find this attitude unfair because he had to say that he had family who were living in Sheffield and were willing to allow him to live with them. It's obvious that his location will be a major factoring in whether he is offered the job - surely if they wanted 'locals' applying for the job, then in the job description, it should say that. It's like when the East Riding of Yorkshire Council advertise jobs on Twitter and in the title it says 'INTERNAL ONLY', they usually receive a reply from me saying something like; "If this position is internal only, why are you even bothering posting about it on Twitter. #morons" - just send it in a mass email to everyone, surely that would be easier, and then they wouldn't have to deal with people sending them replies calling them morons.

I've been applying for internships all weekend and noticed that many said they'll only consider London based applicants - probably so that they don't have to pay expenses beyond London zone 6.

I was further told that I probably wouldn't be able to get the Job Centre to pay for the expenses of me going to work experience in London - fair enough, I might have to fight hard to get the funding, but there just aren't the resources here in Hull like there are in the capital. I might be fighting a losing battle, but at least I am making the effort to want to do work experience. *sigh*

How is everyone else working round applying for jobs further afield? Are you just not even considering a move? Or, the further away the better?

Let me know.
As always, leave comments, you're feedback is always welcome!
or, give me a tweet! @DebStevo90

I'm so bored it's unreal. :[
Deborah xx

Friday, 17 August 2012

One in a million.: Work Experience.

One in a million.: Work Experience.: Currently, I am filling out an application for WORK EXPERIENCE. I remember a day when you could just ring somewhere up and ask if you could ...

Work Experience.

Currently, I am filling out an application for WORK EXPERIENCE. I remember a day when you could just ring somewhere up and ask if you could go in and do a weeks worth of experience, and now I am filling in an application form like I am applying for a job.

I feel incredibly frustrated because I know for a fact that if I did get offered the chance to do any experience, it would be somewhere in London, and I just know I wouldn't be able to afford to go. I somehow don't think job centre will be offering to put me up somewhere in London for a couple of weeks, no way. I feel like I am just moaning and it is all part and parcel of applying for work, but my god, does it have to be so flipping tedious? I can't really apply to any work experience programs around here because there just aren't the resources here in the field I want to approach working in. *sigh*

How is everyone else getting on, have you applied for work experience? Are you getting extra costs paid for by the company or the job centre? I need to look into this further, find out what JSA will allow me to do.

As always, your comments are always welcome.. good or bad! Contact me on the Twitters if you wish @DebStevo90 :)

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Deborah. :)x

Thursday, 16 August 2012

One in a million.: Being Unemployed.

One in a million.: Being Unemployed.: I have to ask, how do people do it? I have been left university three months. Fair enough, my course didn't require a lot of contact time,...

Being Unemployed.

I have to ask, how do people do it?

I have been left university three months. Fair enough, my course didn't require a lot of contact time, but I was working a lot whilst at home so it wasn't like I wasn't getting anything done and just sitting, doing nothing. But now, now I am unemployed, in £18,00 worth of debt and find myself asking, why am I even bothering to get up today? It's really hitting me now, how incredibly hard the job market is.

I sat looking at a job advertisement, genuinely ANGRY this morning, thinking to myself, why can you not just write what the job actually is?! Instead of outlining all the 'incredible benefits' which one will never receive. Furthermore, why when writing the title for a job instead of writing, "Graduate Marketing Executive" why don't they write "Cold Calling C**t" instead. Sorry for my harsh language there, but the alliteration worked ;)

I know research shows the work is the biggest cause of stress, but I think right now I would rather be stressed because of work than because I can't quite decide what mundane piece of shit to watch on day time TV. I am losing my mind right now, I cannot apply for any more positions where I am walking into an all commission based position. I don't want to work on commission, so why the hell should I?

I want, I need, I want, I need a job. *Insert long winded sigh here*

Please tell me that others, graduate or not, are in my position? Being unemployed is driving you bat shit crazy?!?

As always, give me a tweet if you want, @DebStevo90 or just leave a comment. You know the drill!

Thanks for reading!
Deborah :)x

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

One in a million.: FEEDBACK!

One in a million.: FEEDBACK!: Hi everyone, Hope you're enjoying what I've been writing! I've been getting some great responses from people about the blog, it's so nice ...


Hi everyone,

Hope you're enjoying what I've been writing! I've been getting some great responses from people about the blog, it's so nice to have people support you! Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback be it good, bad, or constructive. Please don't hesitate about leaving comments! Please do, I would love to read what you think, or you can contact me on Twitter... @DebStevo90

I look forward to hearing from you! :)

One in a million.: The Benefits of Claiming Job Seekers Allowance.

One in a million.: The Benefits of Claiming Job Seekers Allowance.: Now, you may see the title and assume I am going to launch into how to fiddle the system.. that's absolutely not the case. Obviously right n...

The Benefits of Claiming Job Seekers Allowance.

Now, you may see the title and assume I am going to launch into how to fiddle the system.. that's absolutely not the case. Obviously right now everyone who is unemployed will be facing the daunting 'requirements' that we're faced with when reading a job application. Either, not the right qualifications or not enough experience... *sigh*

I posted yesterday about how the government are going to inject one billion pounds into helping young people get back into work, or offering them the opportunity to gain skills through work placements. However, I was thinking about this not long ago, one skill I don't have which I would like is to be able to speak a language. Now, I've got history with languages - we don't get on, at all. Nearly ruined university for me because of it. Anyhow, that's another story.

I was looking into taking a French course, because I know quite a bit of the basics, so I figured that would help me settle into it and hopefully understand a little more. I looked at doing a course through the BBC because it was online and free - but it looks strange and a bit awkward so I wouldn't recommend it to be honest. After some exploring on my local councils website and knowing that there is an adult education centre located in my old secondary school - I sought out what courses they offer. Not everything to be honest, but there are a range across the many locations within the council, some further away than one would like, but hey ho!

However, to my surprise, I was excited to learn if you claim JSA you are eligible to do the course for free! I think there may be limitations to what courses you can do for free, but I think if you explain how it will benefit you looking for a job, I think that the Job Centre are willing to send the payment through for it. I guess it shows gumption and the fact you are trying different tactics to find work, and gaining new skills which employers would be foolish to ignore as a positive. When I next attend the Job Centre - I am going to ask about doing a French for beginners course because I think being able to speak a language will set me apart from other candidates.

We shall see!
Thanks for reading!
Deborah. :)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

One in a million.: "A quick fix scheme for Youth Unemployment"

One in a million.: "A quick fix scheme for Youth Unemployment": Below is my first article writing for , I've been lucky enough to be given the  opportunity  to write for their blog. Check...

"A quick fix scheme for Youth Unemployment"

Below is my first article writing for, I've been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to write for their blog. Check it out as there are some great posts on there for those still in university and those who are ending their higher education career. Hope you enjoy it! Remember, any questions or comments, ask me on Twitter.. @DebStevo90 or LinkedIn.. 

"Youth unemployment is a huge issue in the United Kingdom and in fact, all over Europe. The under 25’s are some of the most vulnerable and least likely to find work in the current double dip recession. Only a select number of countries have been able to reduce youth unemployment during the global recession, Germany being the main contender by reducing their unemployment from 11.4% in 2007 to 7.9% in 2012.
 However, our deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg recently revealed plans for a ‘youth contract scheme’ in England, Scotland and Wales which will see the Government inject one billion pounds into helping young people back into work. The scheme will aid those with fewer skills in getting back into work placement programmes to help them gain skills more attractive to prospective employers. Although the scheme is attractive to me – as one of the many under 25’s out of work – I must ask; how can they justify spending the kind of money that will needed to subsidize this scheme?
 It was announced that firms would be awarded an incentive of around £2500 towards the salary of each graduate they took on but again, how are we funding this? Nevertheless – it’s a great scheme. One that I am still slightly sceptical about, but if it gets the next generation back into work and learning new skills; I guess it is positive all round. The money that Clegg has promised to inject into the scheme, also sees to it that a number of eight week placements are to be available on demand, something which was introduced to me when I visited the Job Centre this week – you can just pick and choose what you want to do and it’s all expenses paid (within reason, of course..)."

Thursday, 9 August 2012

One in a million.: The Job Center 08/08/2012

One in a million.: The Job Center 08/08/2012: Yesterdays visit to the job center was as expected a thrilling and eye opening visit. I really got a lot from the visit, ahem (not). I felt ...

The Job Centre 08/08/2012

Yesterdays visit to the job centre was as expected a thrilling and eye opening visit. I really got a lot from the visit, ahem (not). I felt absolutely shocking before I left home so turning up to job centre with a banging headache wasn't a good position to be in. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep the day away. As usual for an important appointment I was early - shouldn't have bothered as I was sat there for at least twenty minutes before I was seen. (this did not make me feel better)

Am I the only person who thinks it's really inappropriate to bring children to the job centre? I understand that there are some circumstances which it can't be helped, but really, you'd try and get someone to look after them whilst you have your meeting. The reason I mentioned kids is because a youngish man came in with his son who was about 2/3 years old. Fair enough he was really well behaved and wasn't annoying, but sitting there I noticed the man using the camera on his phone to take photos of him and his son. "Cheeeese" this child was saying, I thought to myself, ahh yes, that'll be the perfect screen saver... "ooh heres one of me and Damien sitting in dole office" "we simply must get this framed" says his girlfriend, "good memories" he replies. No no no no no!

FINALLY. I get called up. I couldn't believe it, I walked over to the desk and there was someone from my school. THE SHAME. She was friendly enough and sympathized with me over my crappy interview last week. The entire time I sat there I just thought, "oh my lordy, this is mortifying." The girl had a very quick look at my extensive descriptions on what I had done since I last visited the job centre. I felt quite let down about that because I put alot of time and effort into it to show that I have been looking, where and how the scenarios where turning out. And what did I get for my time and effort? A two second glance and a signature, WELL THANKS A BUNCH. I won't be putting in that effort again - not when they don't give me anything back. Screw that.

I was told I was attending an interview next time I was in. YOU WHAT WOMAN. I was never told this I told her but apparently the man downstairs got it wrong... Jesus, there is this thing called communication, USE IT. I was then told of the eight week placements that can be set up for me, there was nothing that I really really want to do but I saw something which I thought might be a valuable skill in the future.

So I am applying to somewhere which may require an interview, you what? You're just going to make me tea bitch (nice made in Chelsea reference for everyone there) for eight weeks, don't insult my intelligence. The volunteer guy seemed nice enough and seemed to realize that I wasn't just there to claim, I genuinely want a job but I didn't expect him to say that out loud. He said "look most people who come in here don't have any skills and we wouldn't refer them to a position like this because basically they're too stupid to do it" - I've paraphrased that, it's been 24 hours, I've been ill. I can't remember word for word! Oh dear - what a bitch eh?

"I'll come to you love" "I bet you say that to all the boys" were the next strange moments on my awkward visit, speaking on the phone to someone else in the centre, the 'volunteer guy' sat and flirted with her over the phone for a good five minutes. Sat there the entire time trying not to vomit all over him - not over the flirting, over not being well. Wouldn't that have been a good ending, "I am judging your flirting over the phone by vomming all over your desk... see ya next time!" AWKS.

So, I am applying to do some admin placement, we'll see if I get an interview to be tea bitch yeah? How is everyone else coping in this poor economy? How have you found getting a job? Can your experiences give mine a run for its money. Leave comments, or contact me on Twitter at; @DebStevo90 :) Always welcome comments of any kind - positive or negative.

Thanks guys.
Deborah :) x

Saturday, 4 August 2012

One in a million.: "Marketing, Advertising, PR Internships & Jobs in ...

One in a million.: "Marketing, Advertising, PR Internships & Jobs in ...: IN CHINA. I ask, why should I have to go to CHINA to find work. I live in England, and contrary to popular belief, I would quite like to w...

"Marketing, Advertising, PR Internships & Jobs in CHINA"


I ask, why should I have to go to CHINA to find work. I live in England, and contrary to popular belief, I would quite like to work in England too. I had this conversation with my Father, who has said to me on numerous occasions "you need to get out of this dead end city Debs, there is nothing here for you..." to some extent he has a point. Job wise I know there is nothing here for me, but everything else is here, my family, my friends, my life!

He further told me that if I needed to move away, he "would understand" I bloody wouldn't so I won't be going!!! Unfortunately, I don't want to work in China doing an internship with a 'monthly allowance' - that just doesn't sound legitimate to me. I've got friends going over to China as part of the TEFL course, and good on them putting themselves out there but for me, I just won't do it. Moving across the globe just isn't a motivator, you're putting yourself back a few years.

I've had this conversation with several friends in a very similar position as me, they similarly feel irritated at the internships in China. Why can't I find an internship in England, in Yorkshire even? I ask, why am I being shipped out to China? The answer, because that's easier than helping me find a job here! I further feel like some use the TEFL course because it is easy to get onto and you are guaranteed a job at the end of it.  And that's fair enough, but it just really isn't for me.

我不動中國隊友。 - what does that say, I'll never know, because I won't be learning the language because guess what I ain't moving to China
Deborah :)

One in a million.: "This role requires at least two years experience"...

One in a million.: "This role requires at least two years experience"...: Right now. I am feeling incredibly annoyed and irritated by job hunting. I have always been told from an early age that "education is the ke...

"This role requires at least two years experience"

Right now. I am feeling incredibly annoyed and irritated by job hunting. I have always been told from an early age that "education is the key" to securing a great job when I leave school. With this mantra, I went to university thinking a degree in English would not be a bad thing to have under my belt.

I feel, right now, I've just wasted £18,000. It would probably have been easier to leave school at 16 or 18 and try and find work then. At least I would have been in a position for 2 or 3 years where I would have experience similar to what I am applying for now. I assure you, education is not the key to life. There are so many people I know who have gone straight into employment or left university to go into employment and to be honest, they're doing pretty well to be honest.

Furthermore, having been focusing on graduate scheme positions, I've been further infuriated by the words, "MUST HAVE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE" - I am an effing graduate, when have I had time to get management experience? I've been too busy getting a ruddy education! Graduate scheme positions sound great, however, they either want you to have a 2.1 or above, have management experience or it is commission based (OTE).

I feel like I am waging a war with graduate schemes. You read through them on the jobs websites, totaljobs, job site, thisishull and you see what they offer as a salary and you think it must be some sort of joke, then you see those three letters (OTE) and know you'll be earning pittance pounding the pavements attempting to get people to sign up to charities, when lets face it, people just can't and they don't want to!

 So my question is graduates, do you feel like you've just wasted all this money, or are you feeling positive about the future and your plans?

Thursday, 2 August 2012

One in a million.: Horrific Genuine First Interview.

One in a million.: Horrific Genuine First Interview.: Monday was looking a good day wasn't it, signing on at job seekers (yay!... not) and then I had my interview in Leeds. I decided to drive in...

Horrific Genuine First Interview.

Monday was looking a good day wasn't it, signing on at job seekers (yay!... not) and then I had my interview in Leeds. I decided to drive in the end, as my hire car still had 3/4 of a tank and it was going back the next morning, there was no point me paying £27.50 for the train. What an utter rip off!

Had Mum and Sebastian with me, so took them to Ikea to shop and off I popped to Leeds for my interview. Now, the only negative of driving was the parking situation. There just isn't a lot of it to be fair - I was lucky that I got parked on the next street to the building I needed to be in but, I didn't have any cash for the machine and then when I did get money, DUH, didn't take notes. It sounds silly but I was running late on my standards. My interview was at 2.30pm - I was running up and down the street at 2.20pm, and I like to be about 10minutes early - turns out, it wouldn't have mattered anyway in the end.

So, I got to the building, I was convinced that this was going to go great, the office was in a beautiful building with swanky doors and a swanky lift, what could go wrong? I arrived on the third floor - by lift, obviously. To be greeted by the same generic office like that of 'Tempest Elite Marketing', leather seats everywhere, a lonely fish tank trying to add 'texture' to the room and the girls working on laptops. OH GOD.

I was made to fill out an application form, asking me the same questions which were on my CV - am I the only person who is infuriated when you are made to do that? Finally at like 2.59pm I was called through, met a guy called Hugh - later found out he spells it HUW - you what? We went through to his office - he seemed like a nice chap at first. Oh how I was wrong. We're sat down and he looks through my CV and application, I am still a bit nervous.

Huw/Hugh then looks to me and asks "So, Deborah, tell me about your hobbies and interests...?" YOU WHAT, YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU WHAT I LIKE TO DO. REALLY? LIKE REALLY?

Then the best bit of all happens, he asks me this question, and I start to tell him and the ignorant ba***rd gets his BLOODY PHONE OUT! And starts to use it! At this point, I've been told I should have walked out. However, I saved that anger till I got home. He asked me a few more questions about what attracted me to the job etc, I answered them as professionally as I could - he wasn't bothered though, so why should I. He had the attitude of, "I've got to conduct another 15 of these today, I just cannot be bothered".

I left, I got the bottom of the stairs and sighed VERY loudly, I was distraught. I had driven 60 miles to Leeds, spending money I don't really have for the most ridiculous interview of my entire life. People were texting to see how it went, saw my Sister and lied to her about it, spoke to my dad and again lied about it. I was mortified and embarrassed, I lied to my best friend - I don't lie to her, ever. I've since come clean about my horrific interview in Leeds and everyone has been supportive and told me that I shouldn't feel ashamed because at the end of the day I was lead there under false pretense thinking I was interviewing for a Graduate scheme when in fact I would be pounding the pavements.

Things took a turn for the interesting the next day. I wasn't satisfied being angry, I wanted him to know so I sent his assistant;

Dear Rebecca, 

Firstly, it was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, thank you for your warm welcome. 

However, I wish to speak to someone higher than Hugh, the manager who interviewed me yesterday as I have some major concerns as to how he conducted himself yesterday when he interviewed me. Please send me some contact details so I can speak to someone sooner rather than later.

Many thanks again for your professional attitude yesterday,
Deborah Stevenson. 

I received no reply, only a phone call from HUW. But the thing was, I didn't want to speak to him, I wanted to speak to someone above him so that pr*ck would be given a written warming or something similar. He said to me that Rebecca had forwarded him the email. I told him that he was disgusting and his attitude was deplorable and that if he had rang to invite me to second round interviews I would have told him to stuff his job. I said that I was distraught because of the money I'd spent getting there and back. I also reminded him that had I got my phone out during the interview when I was answering questions, it would have left a bad impression on him about me. And I felt that about him. The first impression I got of him was that he was an absolute prick more interested in his phone than finding a good candidate! 

I spoke to my dad about my phone call with Huw who reminded me that I didn't ask to speak to him, I asked for the information of someone higher from his assistant who obviously forwarded him the email telling him to sort it before I did. 

To which she received this second email from me;

Dear Miss Hammond,

I appreciate that you were yesterday in a difficult position regarding my email about my interview with Hugh. However, I never asked for him to phone me, in fact, he was the absolute last person I wanted to speak to. I asked you for the contact information of someone higher, and now I am even more driven to get this information. 

If I receive another phone call, and don not get the information I want, I will include you in my letter of complaint. 
I look forward to your reply. 

Many thanks, 
Deborah Stevenson. 

I still don't have a reply. 
Monday's interview was an eye opener and an absolute disaster. I've learnt from my mistakes in that respect, but it is hard to tell which companies are genuine when you look on websites such as total jobs and jobsite. Oh, and for anyone interested.... the company was called RH CLIENT SOLUTIONS - don't apply for a job with them because they're useless. 

Thanks all! 
Deborah :)