Thursday, 1 November 2012

The National Careers Service.

So, on Monday I had a busy day of appointments. It's amazing how busy an unemployed person can be sometimes. Mental. However, Monday morning I had an appointment at the Central Library in Hull with the National Careers Service. As always I went in with an open mind despite Tomas telling me it was pointless. I literally wasn't prepared for the ROFLcopter that happened.

The person I was suppose to see was unwell, (OH!) but it had been arranged for me to speak with the manager instead, who informed me he never uses the system so I spent half my time waiting for him to find things whilst he clicked about. Fun! not. Anyways, this guy I saw was nice enough - he gave me a few ideas about how to gain some more experience through my volunteering. He gave me a speech about how I have obviously lost my 'can do' attitude. Of course I have, I'm bored shit less and I don't even have rejection letters to tear up and cry over, I don't seem to get ANYTHING. So sorry if I don't have that plucky sparkle shit, I lost that about a month ago.

Anyways, so we're sat looking on the website looking at volunteering positions which could benefit me in the work I want to go in to. There isn't a damn thing for what I actually want to go in to. At the minute, I just want something to get me working and bringing some money in. So, just admin stuff etc. I had down that I was looking at teaching assistant as a possible job to go in to. I have now realized that I don't really want to. So, we're on the website looking at the different opportunities, he comes across with one for Barnados.

"It's a youth adviser - helping young people into work"

WHAT. You know when you're trying NOT to laugh because of how ridiculous someone sounds. Everyone who I've mentioned this too, has looked confused for about 12 seconds and then bursts into fits of laughter. I can just see it now, me trying to advise the young on getting into work when I can't find a job myself.

YEAH, THAT SOUNDS RIGHT FUN! I can't even believe how ridiculous this is. I wouldn't mind giving up some of my time when I am working, but right now, I am in exactly the same position as those people. It's not like I would be helping them.

"you literally could not make this shit up!"

I hope you LOL as much as I did.
Enjoy, as always, leave comments, they're always appreciated.

or Tweet me on the Twitters, @DebStevo90 :)

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