I waited a while to sign up as I was quite apprehensive about the actual process of raising money and actually taking part. The deal was, 'sleep rough so others don't have to' - straight to the point and people know what you're doing etc. Finally, I signed up during #HullHour one Thursday and got posting about it. Within a couple of hours I already had about £75 raised which was half of my original goal - amazing.
I spent the next few weeks posting the link as often as I could on Twitter and occasionally on Facebook and my target just kept rising and rising. Plus, there was the occasional banter (urgh, hate that word) on Twitter between us all using the hashtag about the leader board which was fun!
I'm not going to lie, I really thought my cardboard house was good and should have won the prize but no! :[
Luckily I brought plenty of cardboard and tape and even had my friend Mark to help me build my house.. no help from Jerome who KICKED my house. Ha. Although, some man who I still don't know who he was stole some of my cardboard. Holy Trinity had provided some and he just came and took some from my pile. I now have bruised hips because I didn't have a proper layer of cardboard underneath me on the night.

As you can see I took my building very seriously.. and the finished product..
I added a layer of bubble wrap underneath too but I would have had more had there not been a cardboard thief around. I know I should have shared, but I just didn't want to! Haha.
Think I settled in for the night around 11pm but there were so many people around taking photos and chatting and that it was quite hard to. But it was fun!
As you can see, me and Becky took Matt's advice to explore the church quite literally, I gave a sermon. It was half decent actually.
By about 1am I think might have been later, I was having a temper tantrum. I'm 23 for gods sake but I was so cold and couldn't get comfy. They had to calm me with creme eggs - hahaha. It is fair to say I probably wouldn't have made it through the night without Becky, Alan and Anthony who kept me sane and really look care of me. Bless them.Plus, Sam and Kate who on Twitter were rallying support and sending messages of support were really reassuring too.
I was being tagged in status updates left right and centre on Facebook on Friday night which was nice that so many friends were thinking of me - so thank you for that babies!
By about 4.30 I just couldn't take it any more, I was just SO cold, it had really sunk in me bones and it hurt a lot. I went to the warm room in the church and warmed up!
Some other photos for you to enjoy from the night.
Cheeky #sleepy14 selfie.

Photo credit; Jerome Whittingham, @photomoments
It was good fun it really was, but also really hit home why we did it. I slept rough for one night and I don't know if I could do it again, so why should others have to?
Even a small amount helps to make a huge difference.
To all of you who have already donated, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're diamonds. xxxx
Stevo xo.
PS. #sleepy15 it's on.