So yesterday, I finally got the call I had been waiting at least 3 weeks for. I've been volunteering at a local church - St Andrews in Paull and the woman who is in charge emailed me about an intern ship she had been forwarded. The position was to improve communications within a church in North Hull - social media and journalism, something I want to get into. And this is the perfect position and it's also stepping stones. Starting at the very bottom and hopefully working my way up!
The closing date wasn't for a little while and there were emails back and forth so when I got an interview, I was relived otherwise it might have been a wasted effort. Anyhow, I had my interview during work experience (that's a whole other blog post in itself). I thought I would be nervous because there were three interviewees, but it didn't phase me which was strange - cool as a bloody cucumber! The interview went really well, I didn't want to be cocky at the time but I felt I aced it. There were so many smiles and nods and each other.
I had to go back to work experience after my interview, it didn't matter though because it went so positively. Literally two hours after my interview (I was the first interview, and they had at least two more) they called to say that they wanted to offer me the intern ship and it was a unanimous vote to me.... SMIRK.
My role as the intern is to make more people aware of the charity SEARCH, using social media, creating a blog called 'a day in the life of a church intern' - not set up yet. Creating press releases, interviewing at events and encouraging volunteering in the community. It may not be for everyone, but the role will be so varied that it won't get tedious, no day will be the same.
I couldn't share the news with everyone because the intern ship is funding by The Rank Foundation and they were yet to make their decision on whether they wanted to give the money to Search - don't bother googling them, they don't have a website, yet.
I met with the two women from The Rank Foundation - it went really well, they were 'raving' about me after the interview, (I don't think my ego is going to fit through the door soon). Anyhow, they phoned to say the board were still making their decision but should they say no, Helen had already been enquiring about somewhere else I could go but they wanted to fund me, because they think I am so talented. Smirk.
ANYHOW, after a week or so of waiting, I finally got the call yesterday to say that they had approved the funding, but The Rank Foundation had asked that my role be expanded to other places that will need me for journalistic issues because I had impressed them so much.
Now, in my interview I said that I felt that this position was perfect for me because it's exactly what I had been looking for and it fell into my lap because of something else. Without using my initiative to volunteer I would never have been sent the information on that intern ship.
I won't stop blogging, I am still very passionate about youth unemployment because it's such a big issue in Hull and all over the country at the moment, it needs to be addressed often by people who are living with it.
I'll be posting some more over Christmas :]
Leave comments, or you can tweet me at @DebStevo90
Stevo xxxx
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