Saturday, 13 October 2012

One in a million.: WHY do I even have a degree?

One in a million.: WHY do I even have a degree?: Is the question I now ask myself. For several weeks now it has been playing on my mind, I've discussed it with friends and had it mentione...

WHY do I even have a degree?

Is the question I now ask myself.

For several weeks now it has been playing on my mind, I've discussed it with friends and had it mentioned to me by people who haven't had to look for a job for 30+ years (what the hell do they know about today?) However, I now begin to ask myself why did I go to university? Why did I spend EIGHTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS gaining a degree which I am now being told, I should take off my curriculum vitae because it makes me look over qualified.

I was told today and many times before today "well, if an employer sees you've got a degree they're going to think you'll be out of here self stacking or whatever at the first available moment"... well obviously, who wakes up and realizes one day their dream is to stack shelves? I know it isn't mine. I don't have anything against those who do that for a living, I just know I want something better for myself. Also, I am not naive in thinking I am going to walk into a job straight away either - I know I am going to have to work hard and then work my way up.

Anyways, I've started applying again for all kinds of jobs in London - that's where my market is, where the money is. It's sad, but true. This week hasn't been good - I've been frustrated because nobody wants to give you a chance - that's all I want, to prove I can do it! I know people who are in jobs which actually uses their degree, which is quite handy really, because it proves that it can be done - you just have to work harder at looking for the right position. My friend just got her first out of university job - dead proud - and she'll be using her Mathematics degree, it can be done, and it's a pretty decent job too!

Urgh, I'm annoyed this week, I am either really mad, or crying. My poor mother does not know what the shit to do with me.

Remember, leave comments if you'd like - they're appreciated, even when they're negative. Or you could get on the Twitters, @DebStevo90
Have a lovely weekend - :)

Stevo :)x

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 03/10/2012

One in a million.: Job Centre 03/10/2012: You know as usual, the job centre was a barrel of laughs. I was surprised actually, I wasn't kept waiting as long as I usually am. Maybe the...

Job Centre 03/10/2012

You know as usual, the job centre was a barrel of laughs. I was surprised actually, I wasn't kept waiting as long as I usually am. Maybe they've found my blog bitching about the time they take to see me and thought they had better do something about it. Although, that's probably not likely.

I saw a woman who was just 'helping out' getting people signed on because they were busy - and I could tell that she wanted to get me signed on and out the door as quick as possible. I don't care. I had questions and I wanted answers, so I stayed a good half an hour knowing that she wanted me gone. Hahahaha. We talked about the usual bull, "how's your job hunt going" etc, it's going okay, I just wish that I could get a damn interview for somewhere then the employer would love me and want me to start straight away... I wish. Hahaha. Anyhow, she did comment on how detailed I fill out my form week in, week out. Which was nice, because I do spend the time writing absolutely everything in, I don't want to be accused of being a slacker.

So I did all my question and answer session with Mary, or whatever her name was, she seemed annoyed by me because I had to change appointments round for being at a funeral on my next appointment. I felt like turning round and saying "people die mate, I can't help that the funeral was organised for this day, shall I ring them back up and say 'sorry, would it be possible to change the funeral to another day because job centre are being dicks about me not going to my appointment' err no" So yeah, now I am going on another day, suckas!

After terrorising this woman for a good half hour, I decided that someone else needed some Deborah time! So, off I went to see Moray - the work experience guy, I really like him actually, he seems like a really nice guy who just wants to help, so I can't get arsey with him. Anyways, I asked him to go to the job fair - I wanted a specific time to go because Eve was going to, it's no fun rocking up to these things alone is it? I don't think that amused him - oh well, at least I want to go and he isn't having to ask me to go! We looked at a few work experience positions but any that I was interested in had already been taken by someone else, boo!

There was only one other one that I was sort of interested in - it was a retail one, I figured a little bit of experience wouldn't hurt. However, when we looked at the requirements for the job, I actually felt angry. The position was a 'retail opperative' for a spice shop - you know like the 'chilli jam man' and one of the requirements was you MUST like spicy food, I told Moray it was ridiculous requirement so don't even put me forward for it. I was told that when you're trying to sell a product, surely you should like it, otherwise what is the point? But seriously, how many retail assistants couldn't give a hoot about the shit they're shovelling? Moray was adamant that you should like the product you're selling, but I think differently, if you're a good liar (me) you can sell anything.

So all in all another disappointing visit to the job centre, it's not the end of the world because I am now writing for three separate blogs/magazines without the help of the job centre, AND I've been invited to a second round application for the journalism scheme I applied for (yay).

Anyways, I'll have some new posts up by the weekend
Remember, I love comments, so tell me what you think.
or Tweet me @DebStevo90
