Saturday 10 August 2013


Anyone wanting to get into media and such should be looking at GoThinkBig they have a manifesto with O2, Bauer media and other to help young people get work experience opportunities and attend skills days.

I've been lucky enough to be chosen to attend two of the events, which is awesome! Visiting Heat magazine and meeting the editors who create work week in week out that makes me full on LOL was ace, it was great finally putting a face to the names I have come to know over the years!

On Monday, I am attending a four hour workshop where we get to hear from industry experts and network too which is scary but really exciting, I cannot wait! Will write on here to say how it went!

Plus, GoThinkBig are really good at RT'ing your tweets so that you can see who else is going, and they engage really well with their audience by asking for tips and tricks about interviews, CV's, telephone interviews and just general job hunting, they're really building a community and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!

This sounds like a love letter or's not, but it's great to see the work they do!

I sent thank you letters too, because I am just that thankful.... every little helps! :D

Read the manifesto here; GoThinkBigManifesto

Got something to say? Tweet me; @DebStevo90



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