Tuesday 2 October 2012

UPDATE. What I've been doing and that!

Because I know you're all well interested in what I've been up to. I'm going to fill you all in! Now, as I haven't posted properly in like 4 weeks, I could lie and say I've been WELL busy, but I haven't... awkward.

So, what have I actually been doing? Errrr, well I had that interested visit to the job centre - that was a barrel of laughs. Can't wait to chin job centre off when I get a job, i will feel so smug when I walk in. Considering how things are going right now, it probably won't happen for a while - I can dream.

I still haven't heard anything about the job to be a Christmas Elf much to the disappointment of a lot of people, surprisingly. I think people thought I had the job when I mentioned it on Facebook, soz mate. I don't have it, maybe I might, I wholeheartedly hope I have something before that job comes knocking. More people that I would have liked have said they'd make the trip to Hull just to see me dressed as an Elf - (Y).

So, I haven't actually managed to acquire any actual work, but I have started working with a local church as a cafe volunteer - it's strange because of the ignorance that people believe that working there automatically will change me to being religious. Not the case, at all. It's a beautiful building that hosts a cafe to raise funds to keep the church maintained etc. I am actually enjoying it because I aren't doing it every weekend, so I can still do things instead of committing my entire weekend to it, which is nice. After my first 'shift' I was inundated with responses to the other volunteer work I had applied for, obviously, they don't know that I had already started somewhere, but it really annoys me that I can't find a job for shit, but everyone is willing for you to do it for free. I can't get mad though, everyone is just trying to get by so whatever. Also, because I am only doing a couple of hours every other weekend, the job centre can't go ape at me or whatever their deal is - who even knows? I sure as hell don't!

I've started at a creative writing class - it's really good actually. It's run by a local author called Russ Litten - he wrote 'Scream if you want to go faster' - it's on my Amazon wish list, hint hint. There are rules about what we can and can't talk about outside of class, but what I'll say is that it is very clear that I haven't lived at all. Some of the stories are just insane. We're suppose to have a six thousand word story written by the end of it but we end up just talking so much, that we probably won't have one by the time the class ends next week? Haaaa. Oh well, it's no biggie, it's been a great class, a new experience - and I got so much from it. Again, this is a free activity provided by the Hull Library - that the job centre as suspicious of, the whacks.

As usual, I've applied for an insane amount of jobs, many just don't even bother with an email saying I was unsuccessful. Although the other day I did receive my first rejection letter through the post - why did I feel proud? If my fridge wasn't integrated, that would be going up there like a child's drawing. I have to laugh at my situation otherwise I would cry, all the time. Not a good look to be honest. I just refuse to even look on totaljobs now as it is all commission based work - basically Tempest Elite Marketing with a new name - stay the frig away!

I applied for a position as a teaching assistant at a old secondary school earlier in the month, didn't even receive a rejection email or letter, guess I didn't get shortlisted. How annoying. It's something I think I could quite enjoy - as I haven't quite rejected the idea of becoming a teacher yet. I don't think I will, considering I am pursuing something completely different now. I am writing this blog, as well as writing for grads.co.uk, but I've also made contact with two other blogs to write for them - I was accepted for both. Yay! But, they are only volunteer positions, but it's experience and excellent exposure for my work, so in the long run, definitely worth the effort.

Having applied for job after job it's getting pretty annoying that I aren't even been offered any interviews either, may have to consider changing my tactics. I will be asking the job centre on Wednesday about applying for a different work experience scheme because the one I was put forward for just haven't been in touch even though I have inquired twice with the job centre about it. Clearly not getting anywhere in that respect, so going to do something like some admin work experience so I can fall back on something like that whilst I get my life together.

This morning, I sent off my application for the BBC Journalism Scheme, I was so nervous before clicking submit, I really hope I get an interview because by the time they hold interviews, I will have a bigger portfolio to show off. Wish me luck!

Anyways, this has been a longer than usual post, sorry about that. Enjoy.
Comments as always are very welcome.
Or, Tweet me! @DebStevo90 :)x

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