Tuesday 28 August 2012

Why it is in fact, always dull in Hull!

Now, before everyone thinks I am going to bitch about Hull... that's just not the case. I love my city, I really do, and anything I could do to find a job here, I would. I want to stay in East Yorkshire because it's home, but Hull is the hardest place in the UK to find a job. Although, I already knew this statistic, someone linked it to me on Facebook earlier, he noted I might find it interesting... there is a part of me which thinks he was maybe trying to rub this in... you know who you are :P.

Hull for the second year running is the hardest place in the UK to find a job with roughly 80 people applying per job. However, the easiest place to find a job in the UK is Aberdeen with 1 person applying for each job - the actual statistic is 0.88 - so sometimes, not even one person applying! The difference between the two locations is unbelievable. It could be suggested that Aberdeen don't even know we're in a recession...

The article seems to suggest that there is a north/south divide - to some extent there is a divide but when the best city to find a job in is SCOTLAND, i think the divide is flawed somehow.

Poor Hull, always the top of some leader board, and never ever for the right reasons. I feel bad for a city like Hull because any other major city is a good hour away in the car so commuting is a difficult decision whereas say you lived in Leeds - you get on the motorway you've Huddersfield, Wakefield, Bradford, Sheffield, York and Manchester, 6 cities/large towns in under 50 minutes away. Hull is at the end of the motorway, blocked off by the Humber - when it was a major fishing port, it was thriving but it has continued to struggle decade after decade.

"Worst place in the UK to find a job"
"Worst place to live in the UK!" - How would you know? You visited it ONCE - suck it, dickhead!

Oh dear.
As always, your comments are appreciated. So please, leave one!
If not, you can tweet me @DebStevo90

Deborah! :D

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