Wednesday 22 August 2012

Job Centre, 22/08/2012

Communication is the key. For some reason, the job centre don't agree with this statement and none of the staff at the branch I visit seem to have a blummin' clue what they're suppose to be doing.

On my first visit, I was told that I would have to attend a young people's work shop - a presentation which would last about 20 minutes. I didn't resent going, I thought I may get something out of it, and if I didn't, it's only 20 minutes out of my day. However, what I do resent is being lied to and the lack of communication in that place.  I was then told on my second visit that no, no I wouldn't be going to the group session, I would in fact be going to see my adviser. "Oh, okay then" I arrived today, with time to spare because apparently,  being late can affect your benefits, what a load of Betty Crocker - they seem to just have their rules and don't consider people's situations. So I arrived today, in plenty of time, and was told "NO, I wouldn't be seeing my adviser  I would in fact be going to the group session"... I stood there thinking "WTF!" - sort it out.

So waiting to be called through, I was thinking, "it'll be fine, it's only twenty minutes!", was called through and then informed, "no, no this won't be last twenty minutes, this is going to last an hour..." Ere whatttt! So not only have you messed me about but I am going to have to stay three times longer than what the original plan said.

I had my nephew to pick up, it was a family thing, everyone has them don't they - again, no consideration for your personal situations. I thought I would have enough time after my appointment to get to him just outside of town, I wouldn't have if I had of stayed. But they just don't get that, if you're the only person who can do it then why should I be penalized for it. I can't just forget my responsibilities, Jesus, you're judged if you do bring your kids to job centre, and you're judged if you have to leave to get them. Getting childcare for a twenty minute appointment is expensive and unnecessary but then again, they don't give a shit about that do they. Because they hold the power, they can stop your benefits whenever they want.

I got it rearranged but was informed that as I am not a primary carer, it could affect my benefits. The urge to tell them to F-off was high but decided to just thank them for their co-operation and I'd see them next week. I was told that I should basically keep my entire day free when I know I am at job centre, unfortunately, I refuse to allow a visit to the job centre rule my entire Wednesday every other week, when I am there for twenty minutes. That's just ridiculous I told 'Dom' - who actually took time to look through my benefits sheet to see what I had written.

Well, it wouldn't bother me having to go to this appointment but I just wish that the staff at Market Place Hull would sort their shit out, stop messing people about, know who you're suppose to be seeing and don't just change things for the fudging fun of it.

Something that was pointed out to me today was that there seem to be more G4S staff (security) working the doors than actual staff trying to find people bloody jobs. The day I come back to here and write that I felt it went really good, and that my adviser (who I am yet to meet!!!!) has found me a great job, then I'll admit defeat, admit that I was wrong. But right now, the only thing they are, are useless utter morons who obviously don't know whether they're coming or going.

So, I would say that today's trip to the job centre has been less than successful, anyhow, I've got to go back next Wednesday for the group session - hopefully, it will be alright! (I hope)

Any who,

You don't agree?
You do?

Let me know @DebStevo90

or, leave a comment!


  1. Is it your first group session? If it is, guess what? It's another waste of time! They'll just try to put you down for retail jobs like every other young person.

  2. Yeah, it was my first one, but i left because i didn't have time. I am going on Wednesday. I'll try and keep an open mind - but i know i probably won't get much from it! Thanks for the comment xxx
