Tuesday 14 August 2012

"A quick fix scheme for Youth Unemployment"

Below is my first article writing for www.grads.co.uk, I've been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to write for their blog. Check it out as there are some great posts on there for those still in university and those who are ending their higher education career. Hope you enjoy it! Remember, any questions or comments, ask me on Twitter.. @DebStevo90 or LinkedIn.. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/deborah-stevenson/55/779/38 

"Youth unemployment is a huge issue in the United Kingdom and in fact, all over Europe. The under 25’s are some of the most vulnerable and least likely to find work in the current double dip recession. Only a select number of countries have been able to reduce youth unemployment during the global recession, Germany being the main contender by reducing their unemployment from 11.4% in 2007 to 7.9% in 2012.
 However, our deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg recently revealed plans for a ‘youth contract scheme’ in England, Scotland and Wales which will see the Government inject one billion pounds into helping young people back into work. The scheme will aid those with fewer skills in getting back into work placement programmes to help them gain skills more attractive to prospective employers. Although the scheme is attractive to me – as one of the many under 25’s out of work – I must ask; how can they justify spending the kind of money that will needed to subsidize this scheme?
 It was announced that firms would be awarded an incentive of around £2500 towards the salary of each graduate they took on but again, how are we funding this? Nevertheless – it’s a great scheme. One that I am still slightly sceptical about, but if it gets the next generation back into work and learning new skills; I guess it is positive all round. The money that Clegg has promised to inject into the scheme, also sees to it that a number of eight week placements are to be available on demand, something which was introduced to me when I visited the Job Centre this week – you can just pick and choose what you want to do and it’s all expenses paid (within reason, of course..)."

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